General Information
Area: 37.426 km2
Coastline length: 45 km Population: 769 Island capital and its population: Kimolos / Chorio of Kimolos (715) Administrative structure: Region of South Aegean, Prefecture of the Cyclades, Province of Milos, Community of Kimolos
Museums: Kimolos Archaeological Museum, Kimolos Folklore and Nautical Museum
Archaeological sites and monuments: Ellinika, Agios Andreas, Palaiokastro, Palio Chorio, Cathedral of Panagia Odigitria, Windmills of Xaplovouni
Traditional settlements: Chorio
Natural monuments: Konsolina cave, Vromolimni cave. Kimolos has been included in the European network "NATURA 2000" as a Site of Community Importance (SCI)
Cultural clubs: Association for the Residential Development and the Protection of the Environment "Prassonisi"
Events: Annual festival "Cultural August" with concerts, theatre performances, athletic competitions, exhibitions etc.
Religious feasts: On Prophet Elias' day (July 20th), on St Panteleimon's day (July 27th), on the day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary at Panagia Odigitria (August 15th), on St Methodia's day (October 5th) |